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“The perspective of ‘being on a journey’ prevents us from experiencing who we truly are. Becoming part of the ongoing conversation of the universe is ‘the experience we have all been seeking. Living is not a tedious exercise of getting through one thing after another, but a gentle awakening to a deep and profound connection of the Universe continually speaking to us through this earth school.’ -Simran Singh
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In Love, Of Love, With Love and Laughter… Simran Singh
Simran Singh, award winning publisher of 11:11 Magazine & 11:11 Talk Radio, has released a powerful new book, Conversations With The Universe, guiding how signs, symbols and synchronicity are the way the world speaks to us. Simran states, ‘You are not on a journey, YOU are the journey!’ Readers of Conversations With The Universe receive FREE support videos, meditations and audios at:
www.ConversationsWithTheUniverse.com – www.simran-singh.com