
All the cells in the body are programmed to divide and multiply in a controlled way for the growth and repair of worn down cells. Damaged or old cells die and are replaced by new cells. Sometimes this smooth process is disrupted by mutations in cell DNA. In this case, cells multiply without dying even when the body doesn’t need them. These extra cells become a lump called tumor.

When the growth of tumor spreads very fast to other parts of the body, invading other tissues, it is called an aggressive tumor.

Numerous studies are going on all over the world to study the causes and treatment of cancer. It has been established that most types of cancers are linked to lifestyle choices. Research has shown that smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, and rich fatty diet are linked to cancer directly.

WCRF/AICR recommendations for cancer prevention

According to these guidelines, maintaining a lean body is advisable, without being underweight of course. Being overweight or obese was found to be directly related to cancers of the breast, liver, skin, and blood, including aggressive prostate cancer.

A healthy body weight and exercise: The body weight can be maintained by ensuring a balance between energy intake and expenditure. A sedentary lifestyle increases body weight. Being physically active helps keep the equilibrium of intake and output of energy.  Adults should get at least 150 minutes worth of intentional physical activities (apart from daily living activities) spread throughout the week.

A healthy diet: To maintain good body weight, eat small portions of high calorie foods, eat fiber rich vegetables, limit carbohydrates and sugary foods, and empty calories of soft drinks. Avoid excessive salt, added as preservative to canned foods for longer shelf life.

Meat Consumption: Limit your intake of meats. Processed meats should be avoided as far as possible. Red meat should be replaced by poultry meat.

Cooking method: Avoid frying the foods; try baking, broiling or poaching. Eat raw vegetables, properly washed, for snacking and salads. Whole grains instead of refined grain produce.

Limit pre-packed foods: Foods and nutrients interact in a complex way that is still to be understood fully. It is better to eat whole fruits, rather than packed fruit juices, fresh vegetables, and whole grains rather than a prepared food package, or supplements.

Alcohol consumption: Limiting alcohol intake is a necessary step toward reducing cancer risk. Tobacco should be avoided at all times.

Breast milk: The best food for the newborn is mother’s milk. Mothers should breast feed the baby at least for 6 months.

There have been many studies done to establish a link between exercise, diet and cancer. One notable study was done by Lenore Arab his team in North Carolina-Louisiana, on white and Caucasian origin men aged between 40 to 70.

The study showed that subjects who followed more than four recommendations had decidedly lower risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer than those who followed less than four recommendations. This result is considered significant in spite of high incidence of very aggressive risk of prostate cancer among black men.

Another study was done in Harvard School of Public Health on 2,705 men who had prostate cancer. It was found that walking for 90 minutes per week benefited the men. Vigorous physical activity reduced the risk of death from prostate cancer by 60 percent. The progression of prostate cancer was reduced considerably in men who did vigorous activity for 3 hours per week.

It has been established beyond doubt that a fair amount of physical exercise and a healthy diet helps prevent the risk of cancer and stops it becoming aggressive.


Ralph Coleman is a medical writer who writes well-researched, in-depth cancer articles which provide relevant information to help patients combat the deadly disease. Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) prides in providing the best cancer treatment solutions to patients who have endured to various cancer types.