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What really holds us back from trying something new? Why does fear tend to stop so many in their tracks? I think it is because we know ourselves… yes, we know ourselves as we believe ourselves to be. But the fact is, what we know is only a minuscule part of the Truth. Why? Because we have another side which is the complete unknown of ourselves. 


In Love, Of Love,

With Love… Simran   

Simran Singh, award winning publisher of 11:11 Magazine & 11:11 Talk Radio, has released a powerful new book, Conversations With The Universe, guiding how signs, symbols and synchronicity are the way the world speaks to us. Simran states, ‘You are not on a journey, YOU are the journey!’ Readers of Conversations With The Universe receive FREE support videos, meditations and audios at:
www.ConversationsWithTheUniverse.com – www.simran-singh.com – www.1111mag.com – www.Simran-Singh.com

If you have not seen it, enjoy my Tedx Talk