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What I know is there was a level of confidence there that had not been there before… and a trust. That morning I tapped into something greater than myself. I know I am no grammy award winning artist, but I surprised myself. As I look back on my own life, I have stepped right into most things that were a complete unknown to me: 11:11 Mag, Talk Radio, Speaking, Clothing Design… At the time, I did not realize I was leaping in the same way but now I see I did. And you have probably done the same in your life but not acknowledged it. In the end, this life is simply about experience. The point of all of this… and of The Rebel Road… is to discover the vastness that is philosophized about. What if everyone let go and really just trusted the natural organic nature of life?  

What have got to lose by seeing our potential? Its not for the sake of making a mark, or accomplishing some success or fame or fortune… but for the opportunity to touch the expansiveness of our Divine potential. This is a gift granted each one of us and it begins simply by playing with a thought… the heart’s willingness to take a leap of faith and then a hop, skip and a jump into the unknown!  I can promise it’s a lot bigger playground than the one you are playing and completely magical! We can each be The Rebel in our own lives!

In Love, Of Love, With Love…As Love



Simran Singh, award winning publisher of 11:11 Magazine & 11:11 Talk Radio, has released a powerful new book, Conversations With The Universe, guiding how signs, symbols and synchronicity are the way the world speaks to us. Simran states, ‘You are not on a journey, YOU are the journey!’ Readers of Conversations With The Universe receive FREE support videos, meditations and audios at:
www.ConversationsWithTheUniverse.com – www.simran-singh.com – www.1111mag.com – www.Simran-Singh.com