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Hello, I’m Deborah Jane Wells and I’m an empowerment coach, author, inspirational speaker and radio host. This brief video provides an overview of 14 practical tools for minimizing stress and fostering a greater sense of flow in your life. With mindfulness and practice, these tools can become healthy new habits, at your disposal in each moment. You will be amazed and delighted at how you are able to shift your perspective and your energy at will from closed, stuck and discouraged to open, free flowing and encouraging.


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If you’re interested in learning more about how to make these tools a reality in your life, visit to download my FREE stress management system, including more detailed workbooks, audios and videos.

What’s love got to do with minimizing stress and getting unstuck? Everything, according to empowerment coach and inspirational speaker Deborah Jane Wells, author of Choose Your Energy: Change Your Life! During her 30 years as an organization transformation consultant, Deborah served as a senior partner in four of the world’s largest, most prestigious global professional services firms. In 2005, she took a five-year sabbatical to find healing and peace because non-stop work had taken its toll. Her recovery from burnout, including a sustained 80-pound weight loss and freedom from 10 years of debilitating depression, led to finding her purpose guiding others on their journeys. Through healing and self-exploration, she discovered that loving yourself unconditionally is the key to transforming your personal life, your work, and the world. Deborah’s books, blog, radio show, and signature coaching programs help individuals and organizations harness the transformative power of love to step into their greatness. Learn more at