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On November 22, 2013 at 10:45 a.m., at Tulare Union High School, in Tulare California, the ball of Human Kindness started its courageous route to the Commander & Chief of our Nation, President Obama at the White House.

The goal is to reach as many people, to get everyone to join the movement… The ball represents a child, each time we drop it, it is important to pick it up quickly before we lose more lives due to bullying and cyber-torment. We have a real global issue, which has infiltrated itself into schools, homes, workplaces, professional athletics, churches and governments… Bullying must be replaced by Kindness.

  • One Moment
  • One Person
  • One Kindness

That is all it takes, to bring the person next to you from a negative space into a positive place.

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Watch the Anti Bullying Video starring the author Gabriella Van Rij on her Journey with the “Ball of Human Kindness”

Gabriella van Rij has started the initiative to carry the Ball of Kindness through 50 cities in the US and bring it to the Commander in Chief of our Nation. In every city we are doing: media, talks and basically raising awareness that we cannot continue letting our younger generation die from Bullying & Cyber-Torment. It has to STOP and be replaced by KINDNESS.
Bullying is a true epidemic not only on the playground, but it has infiltrated in our schools, homes, work places, professional athletics, churches and in our governments.

Is all it takes, to help one being go from “a negative space into a positive place”… It truly does, Dare to be Kind!

You too can help by:

  • Sharing the message
  • Follow us on Social Media
  • Tell your schools, TV stations, local government, news papers & churches
  • Donate: (gas, vehicles, food, lodging, money, video editing). All is welcome…
  • Hashtag: #pickuptheball and or both #theballofkindness

Tune into Might Radio hosted by Gabriella van Rij , which is broadcasted live every Friday at 9 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.  For more information about Gabriella Visit Her Website also Learn more about the Pick Up The Ball Campaign.

Our society has dropped the ball on Human Kindness. Why? We have replaced technology and obtaining whatever we desire instantly delivered to our doorstep, without thought or consequence to our environment or ourselves. Our show will bring you the possibility to be evoked, educated and empowered to make changes in your own life. Won’t you join me on my journey to pick up the ball of human kindness and to spread the notion that when we put “our fears” aside, no one will ever be treated without common courtesy? When fearful, we turn into something terrible, all because of the fear we feel. Let’s truly become the “melting pot” that we were meant to be! Come and listen to national and international guests, who will give us an ear full of their experiences with kindness, and how they are making a dent in helping overcome all social issues.