
Cheryl Esposito welcomes Craig & Patricia Neal, co-authors of The Art of Convening: Authentic Engagement in Meetings, Gatherings, & Conversations.

Do you call meetings, schedule meetings, or convene meetings? Craig & Patricia Neal say convening is essential for leaders. The Art of Convening is a practice to improve outcomes & connections, leading to transformation of organizations.

Learn to prepare yourself for a gathering & why that matters; understand how to set the stage for powerful interactions, & how to observe & shepherd the interactions of participants with each other.

Peter Block, author of Community: The Structure of Belonging, says that a tasks of leadership is “…to initiate & convene conversations that shift people’s experience…through the way people are brought together & the nature of the questions used to engage them.”   The Art of Convening is your roadmap.

Join Cheryl Esposito & Craig & Patricia Neal, 11/6 at 10am PST on Leading Conversations, for the true Art of Convening!