My guest on The Business Edge is David F. Shutler, President and CEO of Utility Systems Solutions – an energy conservation company. He was first on the show six months ago talking about making the leap from a start-up to scale-up business. That big leap required a fundamental shift from the spontaneous, ad hoc, free-spirited enterprise he started to a more formally planned organized and disciplined business he is leading today.

Fast forward  to today!  David gives us an update on the challenges he faced during his company’s growth spurt and the changes he had to make to keep it alive and well!  With challenges also comes opportunities as well as lesson learned.
Listen to this On Demand and Discover How He:
• Maximized  efficiency by installing financial and sales systems
• Expanded into new markets and developed new profitable lines of  business
• Developed a more collaborate and open  culture that lead to greater accountability
• Adapted his leadership style going from doer and decision maker to delegator and strategist
• Stopped being the “inside” and “onside” man by hiring a VP of Operations  to focus on his strength- business development.

Join us for sparkling insights, inspiration and immediately useful ideas to build the solid, sustainable business you want so that you can have the enjoyable, rewarding life you deserve! Build a business that matters!