Join Alex Fullick on January 6, 2022!

“If you are a Business Continuity or Resilience professional and you wonder what your future role will look like, or if you struggle to articulate your value to senior management and the business overall, this…is for you.” (From the Resilience Think Tank article “Articulating Value as a Business Continuity Professional”, Jones & Maneva, September 2021). I talk with 2 of the founders of the Resilience Think Tank, Lisa Jones and Milena Maneva, about their published article with the BCI. We have a very informative discussion on how to communicate our value to organizations and where we can help organizations succeed in BCM, Crises, and in Resilience. Some of the topics we touch on include: a) Getting involved with, and how to approach, other organizational disciplines, b) Aligning our BCM program to our organizations, rather than just a standard or guiding principle, c) Tie our actions to risks raised by our organization(s), d) How to break down silos and create a network, and much more. It’s a fun chat with Lisa and Milena you don’t want to miss.
