When speaking to Dr. Janet Williams, Vice President of the School of Health Sciences at William Carey University, on my “Empowering Women in Educational Leadership” November 1st episode, she said that she likes to surround herself with individuals who have various strengths so that the team is stronger as a whole creating “Exponential Brainpower”.


In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of business and leadership, the notion that a leader must be the smartest person in the room is outdated and counterproductive. Instead, modern leaders understand the incredible power of assembling great teams. When each member brings unique strengths to the table, it creates a synergy of talents, resulting in exponential brainpower. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of fostering great teams, the importance of follow-up, and how effective leadership can help train and prepare successors from day one.

The Myth of the Omniscient Leader

In the past, there was a belief that a leader had to possess all the answers, be the expert in every domain, and make all decisions unilaterally. However, this outdated perspective fails to recognize the value of collaboration and diverse skill sets within a team.

Benefits of Great Teams

1. Diverse Expertise: A team of individuals with diverse backgrounds and expertise brings a wealth of knowledge and perspectives to the table. This diversity enables innovative problem-solving and better decision-making.

2. Creative Synergy: When team members collaborate, they spark creativity and innovation. Ideas flow more freely, leading to groundbreaking solutions that a single individual might never have conceived.

3. Increased Efficiency: Delegating tasks and responsibilities based on team members’ strengths leads to increased efficiency. Each member can focus on what they do best, resulting in higher productivity.

4. Boosted Morale: Being a part of a great team can boost morale and job satisfaction. Team members feel valued and appreciated for their contributions, leading to higher engagement and commitment.

Follow-Up Is Key

Building a great team is just the first step; effective leadership involves ongoing support and follow-up. Here’s why follow-up is crucial:

1. Accountability: Regular check-ins and follow-ups ensure that team members are accountable for their responsibilities. This keeps projects on track and prevents issues from escalating.

2. Feedback and Improvement: Follow-up meetings provide an opportunity for constructive feedback. This helps team members grow and improve their skills, fostering a culture of continuous learning and development.

3. Open Communication: Regular communication demonstrates that you value your team’s input and concerns. It encourages open dialogue and problem-solving.

Training and Succession Planning

Effective leaders also recognize the importance of training and succession planning within their teams:

1. Mentoring: Leaders can mentor promising team members, guiding them toward growth and leadership roles. Sharing knowledge and experiences can help prepare the next generation of leaders.

2. Identifying Potential Successors: From day one, leaders can identify potential successors within their teams. This proactive approach ensures a smooth transition when leadership changes are necessary.

3. Leadership Development Programs: Invest in leadership development programs to groom high-potential team members for leadership roles. These programs can provide essential skills and experiences.


In the modern world of leadership, being the smartest person in the room is no longer the goal. Instead, the emphasis is on assembling great teams where each member’s unique strengths contribute to exponential brainpower. Effective leadership involves follow-up, accountability, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. It also includes training and succession planning, with an eye toward preparing the next generation of leaders from day one. By embracing these principles, leaders can harness the collective intelligence of their teams and achieve remarkable success.

Remember, as a leader, you don’t have to know it all—you just need to lead the way for others to shine.

For guidance along your journey, reach out to me for a free consultation at www.drstephanieduguid.com, I would love to help you!